


Setting up a domain environment for the game of Active Directory (GOAD)

The second version of "Game Of Active directory," project address:

The domain target environment installs 5 Windows instances (three DCs and two regular domain hosts) through vagrang, as shown in the topology diagram below:


Some roadmaps provided by the official (vulnerability points):

  • Password-reuse-between-computer-(PTH)
  • Spray-User=-Password
  • Password-in-description
  • SMB-share-anonymous
  • SMB-not-signed
  • Responder
  • Zerologon
  • Windows-defender
  • ASREPRoast
  • Kerberoasting
  • AD-Acl-abuse
  • Unconstraint-delegation
  • Ntlm-relay
  • Constrained-delegation
  • Install-MSSQL
  • MSSQL-trusted-link
  • MSSQL-impersonate
  • Install-IIS
  • Upload-asp-app
  • Multiples-forest
  • Anonymous-RPC-user-listing
  • Child-parent-domain
  • Generate-certificate-and-enable-ldaps
  • ADCS---ESC-1/2/3/4/6/8
  • Certifry
  • Samaccountname/nopac
  • Petitpotam-unauthent
  • Printerbug
  • Drop-the-mic
  • Shadow-credentials
  • Mitm6
  • Add-LAPS
  • GPO-abuse
  • Add-Webdav
  • Add-RDP-bot
  • Add-full-proxmox-integration
  • Add-Gmsa-(receipe-created)
  • Add-azure-support
  • Refactoring-lab-and-providers
  • Protected-Users
  • Account-is-sensitive
  • Add-PPL
  • Add-Gmsa
  • Groups-inside-groups
  • Shares-with-secrets-(all,-sysvol)


Original image:

Host environment#

Virtual machine based on the target rangeVMware
Operating systemUbuntu 22.04
Allocated memory24G
Disk space500G

01 Install Ubuntu#

The first step is to install an Ubuntu 22.04 virtual machine based on VMware. The following steps are based on this Ubuntu 22.04 virtual machine.

02 Update#

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

03 Install VirtualBox#

sudo apt install virtualbox

04 Install Vagrant#

sudo apt install ./vagrant_2.2.19_x86_64.deb
vagrant --version

05 Install Python#

sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 --version

06 Install Python virtual environment#

sudo apt install python3-venv

07 Clone the GOAD V2 repository#

You need to install the git tool first.

sudo apt-get install git-all

Clone to the user's home directory.

cd ~/
git clone

08 Create a Python virtual environment#

python3 -m venv venvGOAD

09 Activate the virtual environment#

cd GOAD/ansible
source ~/venvGOAD/bin/activate

10 Install the Ansible module#

pip install ansible-core
python3 -m pip install ansible-core==2.12.6

11 Install pywinrm#

pip install pywinrm

12 Install Galaxy dependencies#

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

13 System installation#

Before installation, you can use the script in the GOAD directory to check if the environment is ready.

./ -t check -l GOAD -p virtualbox -m local

Here are the solutions to some installation problems.

Problem 1: Proxy

1. ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: Missing dependencies for SOCKS support.
2. fatal: [srv03]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "ssl: Missing dependencies for SOCKS support.", "unreachable": true}

If you encounter SOCKS-related issues, you need to disable the proxy. Since you need to install the operating system and downloading it with a domestic network is slow, you can temporarily turn off the proxy and then enable it when the download speed is slow.


unset ALL_PROXY 
unset all_proxy

Problem 2: VMware does not support virtualization



You can refer to: Solving the problem of virtual machine VM- opening virtualization Intel-VT-x/EPT or AMD-V/RVI(V) causing the computer to blue screen and restart or display that this platform does not support virtualization

This is because there is a conflict between the Docker and Hyper-V installed on the host system, so you need to disable the relevant functions of Hyper-V.

You can use the following command to check if the virtual machine supports KVM virtualization.

sudo apt install -y cpu-checker
sudo kvm-ok

If the output is as follows, it means that KVM virtualization is supported and this error will not occur.


If it is a different result, please refer to the above article to resolve it, which means the following steps:

  1. Disable some virtualization features, and also turn off Hyper-V.


  1. Disable related services.


  1. In the virtual machine settings-Processor-Virtualization Engine, select the following options.


Problem 3: 'base' could not be found

default: Box 'base' could not be found. Attempting to find and install…


Go to ~/GOAD/ad/GOAD/provider/virtualbox and execute vagrant up.


Problem 4: Memory issue

If the pulled system exits abnormally, it means that the memory is not enough.

If none of the above problems occur, then proceed to install the target machine environment as mentioned above.

Go to ~/GOAD/ad/GOAD/provider/virtualbox and execute vagrant up.

Note: If the speed is too slow, use a proxy.

If you have Clash running on your local machine, you can specify the IP address of the host and port 7890 in the proxy settings of Ubuntu to speed up the download of the operating system.

14 Celebrate#

After two nights of hard work, I finally see the following results 😭


15 References#



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