


tmux Usage Record


tmux is a terminal multiplexer software similar to GNU Screen, but it is released under the ISC license. Users can use tmux to manage multiple detached sessions, windows, and panels in one terminal, which is very convenient for using multiple command lines or tasks at the same time.


sudo apt install tmux

tmux Sessions#

  • Create a new session
tmux new -s <session_name>
  • Detach a tmux session and return to the shell terminal environment
ctrl+b d
  • View session list in the terminal environment
tmux ls


  • View session list in the session environment
ctrl+b s
  • Enter a tmux session from the terminal environment
tmux a -t session1
  • Destroy a session
# Terminal environment
tmux kill-session -t session1

# Session environment
ctrl+b :
kill-session -t session1
  • Rename a session
# Terminal environment
tmux rename -t old_session_name new_session_name

# Rename a session (in the session environment)
ctrl + b $
  • Modify the name of the current window
crtl+b ,
  • Create a window
ctrl+b c
  • Switch windows
You can switch between multiple windows in the same session using the following shortcuts:

ctrl+b p (the first letter of "previous") - Switch to the previous window.

ctrl+b n (the first letter of "next") - Switch to the next window.

ctrl+b 0 - Switch to window 0, and so on. You can replace the number with any window number.

ctrl+b w (the first letter of "windows") - List all windows in the current session and switch between them using the up and down keys.

ctrl+b l (lowercase letter "L") - Switch to the adjacent window.
  • Close a window
ctrl+b &
  • Split the current window vertically (press a percentage sign after the combination key), dividing the current window into left and right screens with a vertical line.
ctrl+b % 
  • Split the current window horizontally (press a double quotation mark after the combination key), dividing the current window into top and bottom screens with a horizontal line.
ctrl+b "
  • Switch panes
ctrl+b o - Switch between panes in the current window.

ctrl+b Up | Down | Left | Right - Select and switch to a pane based on the arrow direction.

ctrl+b Space (space key) - Rearrange the layout of all panes in the current window. Each time you press it, the layout changes.

ctrl+b z - Maximize the current pane. Press it again to restore.
  • Close a pane
ctrl+b x




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