


Reading Notes on Mo Yan's Classic Works

Mo Yan's Classic Works Collection!
Includes his most classic works: "Red Sorghum Clan", "Big Breasts and Wide Hips", "Sandalwood Punishment", "Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out", "Frog", "The Republic of Wine", "Garlic Shoots in Paradise"

Author: Mo Yan
Recommended Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • The implementation of the family planning policy in mainland China for the past thirty years has indeed slowed down the population growth rate, but in the process of implementing this "basic national policy", many shocking events have also occurred. China's problems are very complex, and China's family planning problem is particularly complex, involving politics, economy, ethics, morality, and many other aspects. Although I dare not say that understanding China's family planning problem is equivalent to understanding China, if one does not understand China's family planning problem, then one should not claim to understand China.

  • In the old society, it was like a deep well, pressing down on us common people, with women at the bottom, the very bottom. In the new society, it is like a bright sun shining, illuminating us farmers, liberating women, turning them over, turning them over completely.

  • The onlookers poked like wooden stakes, and Sima Ku's not very heroic last words mischievously burrowed into people's hearts, crawling like little bugs, itching. Are women good things? Women may be good things, women are indeed good things, but ultimately women are not things.

  • On the third day of marriage, it is a custom in Gao Mi Northeast Village.

  • When a male orc is alone with her, since there is no need for monkeys to wear hats, he becomes even more crazy, taking off the embroidered clothes with beautiful articles, pouncing like a wild beast.

  • I have a problem, saline-alkali land. Little girl, goodbye, I have top-quality fertile land, specifically for improving saline-alkali land.

  • Is this possible? Do they have the audacity to braised and eat babies?

  • Just like an outstanding senior leader never speaks about specific events.

  • He is humble, truly capable people are humble, those who brag often have no ability or no great ability.

  • The gods never speak, they don't speak, but their gestures are more vivid and powerful than sweet words, making you unable to resist.

  • I believe that arrogance and humility are two contradictory and interdependent attitudes towards life, and it is difficult to say which one is good and which one is not.

  • Nowadays, there are some heroes and heroines in the literary world. These people have sharp noses and eagle eyes, holding magnifying glasses, specifically searching for "dirty words" in works. It is not easy to avoid them, just like it is not easy for eggs with cracks to avoid flies laying maggots.

  • In the world, fear comes from being serious. Whoever is serious will be unlucky.

  • He felt that he had confusedly developed a feeling for her, sometimes hating, sometimes pitying, sometimes fearing, this is love.

  • Teacher, in fact, many human tastes are the result of training. When something is praised by everyone, no one dares to say it is bad. The taste of the masses has great authority, just like the authority of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee over a grassroots cadre. If they say you are good, then you are good, even if you are not good, you are good.

  • Tired of real nectar, seeking the strange taste of bitterness, spiciness, sourness, and astringency to stimulate the mucous membranes of the mouth and taste buds.

  • In today's society, drinking has become a struggle, and the drinking scene has become a trading scene. Many things are decided during the toasting. By delving into the drinking scene, you can discover all the mysteries of this society. Therefore, "The Republic of Wine" has a satirical political meaning, and the critical thorns are also revealed.

  • I think China can eliminate public-funded banquets for even just one year, and the money saved can be used to build the Three Gorges Dam; eliminating public-funded banquets for three years would be enough to lift those who are still in poverty out of poverty. But this is just a daydream. Even if we can blow up the moon, we may not be able to cancel the public-funded banquets. And as long as this phenomenon is not controlled, the people's criticism and slander will not stop.

  • The Buddha said: Life and death are wearing me out, starting from greed. Less desire, doing nothing, body and mind are at ease.

  • When life goes smoothly, one becomes arrogant and forgets oneself. Male dogs wag their tails when they are proud, and men wag their penises when they are proud.

  • The onlookers laughed and said: It's good to realize this. I, Hong Taiyue, am indeed despicable. If it weren't for the Communist Party, I'm afraid I would have beaten that cow hip bone to death. But now, your luck has turned, and we poor folks have turned our luck and floated to the top. We are settling accounts with you, but in fact, we are taking back our own property. I have repeated the big truth to you a thousand times. It's not you, Ximen Nao, who feeds the hired workers and tenants, but the tenants and hired workers who feed you, Ximen Nao, and your whole family. Hiding treasures is unforgivable, but if you can hand them all over, we will handle it leniently.

  • "Dragon meat in the sky, donkey meat on the ground." The commune cadres love to eat donkey meat. The new secretary, it's best if he likes it too. He is the person who used to be the secretary for County Chief Chen, named Fan Tong, nicknamed "Rice Bucket", with an astonishing appetite.

  • Fortunately, it was during the agricultural off-season, and there were no crops in the fields. The whole village was busy with meetings, so it didn't affect the farming season. Even during the busy autumn season, it didn't matter. In those days, politics came first, production came second, and raising pigs was politics. Politics was everything, and everything had to make way for politics.

  • The large moon was the color of apricots, sitting on top of the tree, making the drooping branches even more drooping. A half-crazy militiaman actually fired a shot at the moon. The moon shook, unharmed, and emitted a softer light, transmitting ancient messages to me.

  • In fact, nobility or lack thereof does not depend on what is written, but how it is written. And the so-called "nobility" does not have a unified standard. For example, if a married man writes a

  • In fact, we have no reason to say that it is ferocious, nor do we have a reason to say that it is ridiculous. Monkeys wearing clothes are all like this, aren't they?

  • The writer Acheng once wrote that love is a chemical reaction, which is a novel and fresh idea, but if love can be manufactured and controlled chemically, then novelists have no place. Therefore, even if what he said is true, I still oppose it.

  • In this era, so-called nostalgia, so-called return, are difficult to achieve completely.

  • A good writer, when in a good state, can still produce excellent works even when dictating in front of a computer. A bad writer, even if using a diamond knife to carve on a gold plate, cannot carve out good articles when in a bad state. Essays, just laugh them off.

  • I know these guys. They flatter me with sweet words in front of me, but curse me behind my back. They would love to see me so poor that I have to sing on the street for food. I can't show them any mercy, nor can I be polite to them.

  • Everyone is a two-faced beast. On one side, they are benevolent, righteous, moral, and follow the three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues; on the other side, they are male thieves and female prostitutes, bloodthirsty and indulgent. Faced with the body of a beautiful woman being dissected, whether it is a respectable gentleman or a virtuous woman, they are excited by the evil taste. Lingchi beauty is the most tragic and beautiful performance in the world. Master said that those who watch this performance are actually more vicious than us executioners. Master said that he often spends the whole night recalling the process of that execution, like a skilled chess player, recalling a brilliant game that brought him great reputation. In Master's heart, that incredibly beautiful woman is first divided into pieces, and then gradually restored piece by piece. In the repetitive process, Master's ears are constantly filled with the woman's singing, crying, and screaming.

  • If you want to be an official, you can't talk about conscience; if you want to talk about conscience, don't be an official.

  • The county magistrate didn't think so. He never believed that the peasants would rebel, unless they were going to starve to death the next day.

  • These guys are fierce like wolves when dealing with the common people, but they are all as timid as mice when it comes to fighting.

  • Pity mixed with disgust, disgust mixed with pity, she was entangled in this contradictory feeling.

  • Can a cow give birth to a calf just by drinking the northwest wind? Without eating grass? Without eating feed?

  • If you want to arrest me, go ahead. I have heard someone recite the "Criminal Law". Blind people are not heavily punished. Even if I go to jail, I won't keep my mouth shut. - "If you don't keep your mouth shut, I'll seal it for you!"

  • When one is well-fed, lust arises; when one is hungry and cold, the heart of a thief arises. This is absolutely true. A few years ago, there were thieves everywhere. In recent years, life has improved, and there are fewer thieves, but there are more people sneaking around with other people's wives. If you, young man, were so hungry that you could pick your head with three tendons, you wouldn't have a big belly from having sex!

  • It's all lies fabricated by the feudal class to maintain their rule. They dress themselves up as geniuses and superhumans, numb the masses, and prevent them from rising up in rebellion.

  • You say I'm a counter-revolutionary and spit blood at me. I, Zhang Kousu, am a law-abiding citizen. The Communist Party is not even afraid of the Japanese devils. Would they be afraid of the common people speaking up? - Zhang Kousu sang lyrics out of context to the interrogators after being arrested.

  • Writers always want to stay away from politics, but novels themselves approach politics.

  • If everyone can reflect on history and self-examine soberly, humanity can avoid many foolish actions.

  • Everyone is locked in a cage. Even if they are not locked in a cage, they are still tied by a rope around their necks.

  • Only those who suffer from insomnia know how painful it is to not be able to sleep, and only those who have suffered from insomnia know how blissful it is to fall asleep.

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