Check CPU Usage#
The purpose of checking CPU usage is to determine which process is using a high amount of CPU (specifically for mining).
top -c -o %CPU
htop -t
# View the top five processes by CPU usage
ps -eo pid,ppid,%mem,%cpu,cmd --sort=-%cpu | head -n 5
Memory Usage#
top -c -o %MEM
htop -t
# View the top five processes by memory usage
ps -eo pid,ppid,%mem,%cpu,cmd --sort=-%mem | head -n 5
Network Usage#
iftop # Requires installation and root privileges, does not display process ID
nethogs # Requires installation and root privileges, displays process ID
ss -ntu | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr # View the number of local network card connections by source IP
ss -ntu | awk '{print $6}' | cut -d ":" -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr # View the number of destination IP connections
Outbound IP#
# Search by destination IP
netstat -pantu | grep
netstat -pantu | grep 3389
lsof -i:3389 # Requires root privileges
# Search by local IP
netstat -pantu | grep 3389
lsof -i:3389
Finding Malicious Samples#
- Get PID - Find the path of the malicious file
- Found malicious file - PID
Get PID based on process name or partial string
pidof "name"
ps -aux | grep "name"
ps -ef | grep "name" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'
pgrep -f "name"
Get detailed information of a process based on PID
lsof -p PID # Requires root privileges
pwdx PID # Requires root privileges, get the directory where the PID process was started, which is the path of the malicious file
systemctl status PID # Get the status information of the process
cat /proc/PID/maps # Output the memory mapping information of the specified process
ls -al /proc/1505945/exe # Output the absolute path of the program executed by the specified process
cat /proc/$$/mountinfo # View the file system information mounted by the current process, where $$ represents the process ID (PID) of the current process.
View threads
ps H -T -p PID # PID is the process ID, spid is the thread ID, CMD represents the command line of the process/thread
ps -Lf PID # Display information of each thread in the specified process
pstree -agplU # Display the relationship between all processes in the system ✅
Get PID based on file
lsof | grep FILENAME
fuser FILENAME # Command to find the process that uses a specific file or socket
Determine Program Running Time#
ps -eo pid,lstart,etime,cmd | grep PID
# Compare the creation time of the malicious file
Handling Abnormal Processes#
- Download samples from the server
- Online virus analysis
- Process termination
1. Check if there are any child processes
ps ajfx ✅
systemctl status
2. If there are no child processes
kill -9 PID
3. If there are child processes
kill -9 -PID
Delete Malicious Files#
- Check if the process is occupying the file
- If the file cannot be deleted due to the "a" and "i" attributes
chattr -a
chattr -i
- If the file cannot be deleted due to strange file names
- Use inode to delete
ls -li FILENAME # View inode
- Delete the file
find ./* -inum INODE -delete
find ./ -inum INODE -exec rm {} \;
find ./* -inum INODE -exec rm -i {} \; # Prompt for confirmation before deleting
find ./* -inum INODE -exec rm -f {} \; # Force delete
find ./* -inum INODE | xargs rm -rf
rm `find ./* -inum INODE`
These are the commands needed for most emergency incidents. There may be some differences for different events:
Extension 1: TCP Connection States in netstat#
State | Type | Description |
LISTEN | TCP Listening Port | Listening state. Indicates that the port is waiting for a connection from the other end for communication. |
SYN_SENT | TCP Transmission Control Protocol State | Connection request has been sent. Indicates that the TCP connection has been initiated but not yet acknowledged. |
SYN_RECV | TCP Transmission Control Protocol State | Connection request is being received. Indicates that the TCP connection has been received and is waiting for acknowledgment. Usually only appears on servers, indicating that a request has been received from a client. |
ESTABLISHED | TCP Transmission Control Protocol State | Indicates that the TCP connection has been established and is in communication. |
FIN_WAIT1 | TCP Transmission Control Protocol State | Indicates that the TCP connection has been closed and is waiting for a close request from the other end. |
FIN_WAIT2 | TCP Transmission Control Protocol State | Indicates that the TCP connection has been closed and is waiting for a close request from the other end, or is receiving final confirmation from the other end. |
TIME_WAIT | TCP Transmission Control Protocol State | Indicates that the TCP connection has been closed and all data has been transmitted, waiting for a period of time to ensure that all packets have been processed. |
CLOSE_WAIT | TCP Transmission Control Protocol State | Indicates that the TCP connection has been closed, but the local application has not closed the connection. |
LAST_ACK | TCP Transmission Control Protocol State | Close request has been sent and waiting for the other end's close request. |
CLOSING | TCP Transmission Control Protocol State | Indicates that the TCP connection is in the process of closing. |
Extension 2: Checking IP Address#
Three steps: Threat Intelligence Query-Domain Registration-Company Search
Weibei Threat Intelligence can provide some information
You can also search for the following information
If there is a domain, you can check the registration (in China)
If there is a registration, you can search for the company
GitHub - T0xst/linux: Linux Security Check
Blue-Team/Emergency/Linux Emergency Response Manual
Linux Emergency Response Manual 1.7