


Commonly Exploitable Vulnerabilities Related to Ports


Port NumberPort DescriptionRelated Vulnerabilities
21FTP File Transfer ProtocolAllows anonymous upload, download, brute force, and sniffing operations
22SSH Remote ConnectionBrute force, SSH tunneling and intranet proxy forwarding, file transfer
23Telnet Remote ConnectionBrute force, sniffing, weak passwords
25SMTP Mail ServiceEmail spoofing
53DNS Domain Name ServerAllows zone transfer, DNS hijacking, cache poisoning, deception, CVE-2020-1350
67, 68DHCP ServiceHijacking, deception
69TFTP Trivial File Transfer ProtocolAllows anonymous upload, download, brute force, and sniffing operations
80Common web service portWeb attacks, brute force, corresponding server version vulnerabilities
80-89Application server portCorresponding server version vulnerabilities
110POP3 ProtocolSniffing, brute force
111NFSImproper permission configuration
137-138NetBIOSScanning, man-in-the-middle attacks
139SAMBA ServiceBrute force, unauthorized access, remote code execution
143IMAP ProtocolBrute force
161SNMP ProtocolBrute force, collecting target intranet information
389LDAP Directory Access ProtocolInjection, allows anonymous access, weak passwords
443Common web portWeb attacks, brute force, corresponding server version vulnerabilities
445Microsoft-DS, for sharing openCode execution, ms06-040, 0796, etc.
512/513/514Linux rexec serviceBrute force, remote login
873rsync serviceAnonymous access, file upload
1194openvpnPhishing VPN accounts, entering intranet
1352Lotus Domino Mail ServiceWeak passwords, information leakage, brute force
1433MSSQL DatabaseInjection, privilege escalation, SA weak password, brute force
1521Oracle DatabaseTNS brute force, injection, reverse shell
2049NFS ServiceImproper configuration
2181ZooKeeper ServiceUnauthorized access
2375DockerUnauthorized access
3000GrafanaWeak passwords
3306Mysql DatabaseInjection, privilege escalation, brute force
3389RDP Remote Port ConnectionShift backdoor, brute force, ms12-020, CVE-2019-0708
3690SVN ServiceSVN leakage, unauthorized access
4848GlassFish ConsoleWeak passwords
5000Sysbase/DB2 DatabaseBrute force, injection
5432PostgreSQL DatabaseBrute force, injection, weak passwords
5632PcAnywhere ServicePassword capture, code execution
5900VNCBrute force
5984CouchDBUnauthorized access
5985/5986WinRMWinRM's http/https communication
6379Redis DatabaseAttempt unauthorized access, weak password brute force
6443KubernetesWeak passwords
7001/7002WebLogic ConsoleDeserialization, weak console passwords
8009Tomcat AJP ProtocolTomcat AJP Protocol vulnerability
8069Zabbix ServiceRemote execution, SQL injection
8080, 8089JBoss/Resin/Jetty/Jenkins/TomcatDeserialization, weak console passwords
8161ActiveMQWeak passwords
8888Jupyter NotebookUnauthorized access
9080/9081/9090WebSphere ConsoleJava deserialization, weak passwords
9200, 9300Elasticsearch ServiceRemote execution
10000Webmin Control PanelWeak passwords
11211Memcached ServiceUnauthorized access
27017/27018MongoDB DatabaseBrute force, unauthorized access
43958Serv-UServ-U privilege escalation, weak passwords
50000SAP Management ConsoleRemote execution
50050CSWeak passwords
50070/50030HadoopWeak passwords
61616ActiveMQWeak passwords
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