


Regular testing of URL parameter testing

Common Parameters#

I found a project called top25-parameter that lists some commonly used parameters for exploiting common vulnerabilities and expands on them:

Top 25 XSS parameters:

Top 25 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Parameters for @trbughunters  

Top 25 SSRF parameters:

Top 25 Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) Parameters for @trbughunters  

Top 25 Local File Inclusion (LFI) parameters:

Top 25 Local File Inclusion (LFI) Parameters for @trbughunters  

Top 25 SQL Injection parameters:

Top 25 SQL Injection Parameters for @trbughunters  

Top 25 command execution parameters:


Top 25 open redirect parameters:


How to Apply#

In practice, these parameters can be used by collecting the parameters from the URLs of the target domain/IP. For example, if the URL is, you can directly filter out the id parameter, which may have an SQL injection vulnerability. Parameters following the ? have a high probability of being unfiltered and vulnerable to exploitation.

The program used is gf, which can be found at

  1. Compile gf using Go:
go get -u
  1. After compilation, load the JSON configuration file. Below is an example configuration file for Remote Code Execution (RCE):
    "flags": "-iE",  
    "patterns": [  

With the JSON file, you can filter out the URLs during testing. For example, if there is a URL like, you can filter it using the JSON script that contains RCE parameters.

% cat test.txt  
% cat test.txt | gf rce
  1. Configure gf to automatically recognize the JSON scripts placed in the ~/.gf directory. Pressing the tab key will automatically display the JSON files. The JSON files can be found in the following links:
mkdir .gf  
cp ~/Gf-Patterns/*.json ~/.gf  
cp ~/gf/examples/*.json ~/.gf
  1. Once the configuration is complete, you can use gf <tab> to automatically load the JSON files.

How to Collect URLs#

There are many ways to collect URLs, usually in a batch manner. First, collect all the domain names and subdomains, and then collect the parameters from the URLs.

The following applications can be used to collect URLs:

Scanning with these applications is straightforward.

Here is an example using waybackurls and gf:

cat subdomains.txt | waybackurls | sort -u >> waybackdata | gf ssrf | tee -a ssfrparams.txt
cat subdomains.txt | waybackurls | sort -u >> waybackdata | gf ssrf | tee -a ssfrparams.txt
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