


Some tips for using Burp Suite

Start burpsuite and disable interception by default.

User options->Misc->Proxy Interception

Filter unwanted content.

Proxy->HTTP History->Filter

  • Hidden file types: gif, jpg, png, css, woff, woff2, svg, mp4, map
  • Filter OPTIONS requests ^OPTIONS /
  • Show only items within a range
  • Hide packets without a response

Keep it clean: Do not record items outside the range.

User options->Misc->Proxy History Logging

If you want to enable burpsuite plugins for scanning in the background, you can leave the logging open.

Install some burpsuite extensions.

Dark mode.

User options->Misc->Display

Save settings: Do not lose project progress.

Project settings -> Save project settings

The content saved in the project configuration file is as follows:

Load the project configuration in the first panel when opening burp.

Load the user configuration in the second panel when opening burp.

Load from configuration file -> Pick the file you saved, check Default to the above in the future.

Filter unwanted websites.


Download the configuration file and load it.

Chinese garbled characters.

User options->Misc->Display->HTTP Message Display

Disable passive scanning and scan all.


Switch to sitemap view.

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